Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Trip to the post office

Monday, 7 April 2014

Jack and the Beanstalk!

Mr. Mack's class is learning about the Fairy Tales!

We read the Jack and the Beanstalk and we are so excited that Jack traded his cow for three magic beans!

So we asked everyone what would they trade for three magic beans! You wouldn't believe things that our students would give up for three magic beans!

Computers, power rangers, earrings, barbies, etc etc!

This is our beanstalk! Inspired by Jack and the Beanstalk!
Can you see three magic beans in the basket?

This is my pattern!

Mr.Mack's class is learning about pattern.

"I'm making pattern with red,red,and blue!"

"I am using my favourite two colours to make pattern!"

"I am using happy face and sad face to make pattern"

"I painted my pattern.  My pattern is pink, blue, green, orange and it repeats!"

"I used shadow to created my pattern.  I used big and small leaf to make my pattern!"

"I used yellow block and red block.  See? yellow, red, yellow,red,yellow,red..."

"I love dinosaurs! Two green dinosaurs, one yellow and one blue!"

"Can you guess my pattern?"

Friday, 28 February 2014

Earth Rangers

Earth Rangers is an organization dedicated to educating children about how their daily actions impact the world around them. We were fortunate to have the Earth Rangers Animal Ambassadors come and visit our school. We got to see some very cool live animals and learn about their amazing natural behaviours and their habitats.

Consider helping your child join the Earth Rangers - check out their web site.



Tibetan New Year starts on March 2nd. We planted "Lo phu" (sprouted wheat grass from winter wheat) which is often found on a Losar Altar in a Tibetan home. "Lo phu" has a connotation of the "first thing" symbolizing freshness and newness.

If you would like to know more about Tibetan New Year check ot this web site.


Also here are some YouTube clips you may find interesting.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xW52K6vwUU (All three Tibetan Province unity songs) 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEsr6Ogkd48 (Tashi Sholpa dance in Toronto - 10 minutes) 

Tashi Delek!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

New Teacher Candidate: Miss. Kim

Dear Parents of Mr. Mack and Ms. Pinto's class,

My name is Ellen Kim and I will be part of Mr. Mack and Ms. Pinto's class next 6 weeks as a teacher candidate.  I am studying or a Master of Art in the Child Study and Education program at the University of Toronto.  Mr. Mack, Ms. Pinto, and the children have been very welcoming throughout this week.  Thank you for allowing me to take part in your children's education experience, as well as allowing me this opportunity to build into my own future career and studies.


Ellen Kim

Monday, 27 January 2014

Why Dramatic Play

At the beginning of the year our dramatic play centre was a house, later it was a Pizza Pizza, after that it was a Post Office.

Recently we got a new Playmobil fire truck which created a quite a bit of interest in fire fighters and fire stations - so we decided to turn our dramatic play centre into a fire station. The students have been having loads of fun and they've been learning a lot at the dramatic play centre.

As children engage in dramatic play they have opportunities to:
  • express imaginative thoughts and ideas
  • adopt the attitudes, gestures and language of different characters, both real and imaginary
  • assume different group positions (leader, group member, recorder)
  • develop and extend vocabulary in a natural way
  • develop and use language for many different purposes (to question, to direct, to organize)
  • learn cooperative skills (share props) 
  • solve conflicts
Toronto District School Board. (2006). Dramatic Play in the Kindergarten Program